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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Trip to the Zoo

A few weeks ago we took Jack to the Zoo! He loves animals so much, and he's learned a lot about them from his books and tv shows, so we were excited to take him and show him real live animals!

The first stop was the Reptile house, and since this Mommy is deathly afraid of snakes, just Daddy and Jack went in there together. They not only saw scary snakes in there, but also turtles and iguanas!

The next stop was to see the seals! Jack loved them because they were in water (one of his favorite things), plus he thought they looked like our dog Weagle!

We walked around the entire zoo and saw so many animals! Jack was almost overwhelmed that there was something new at every turn, but it kept him busy which is what he's used to!

Here are the "quack quacks"

Very scary alligator!

Here is a peacock just strutting down the sidewalk towards us! They walk freely there, and he was beautiful!

Pretty flamingos!

Jack made a friend! A baby peacock was running around and Jack chased him! Thank goodness the peacock was nice and didn't chase him back!

Here are some lemurs sleeping back to back! We tried to tell Jack those were the "I like to move it, move it" animals, but he didn't quite understand.

Squirrel monkey


Giant turtle!

Sleeping tiger! Jack kept going "Rooaarrr" to wake him up, but he didn't hear him through the glass and kept sleeping.


Finally, after several times of Jack asking us, we got to ride the Choo Choo! Jack seemed to like it, but clung on to Mommy and Daddy pretty tightly!

Jack petting the baby goat

The llama keeping his eyes on Jack

These sheep sound angry, but are still cute!

Here is a "hoot hoot"

Sweet Daddy and Jack exhausted and ready to head to the car after being there 3 hours!

Our last stop was at Gus's Hot Dogs in Mountain Brook for lunch! We had such a great family day, and this was a grand way to end it!

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