Jack's Age Ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Charlie's Age Ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, January 30, 2012

Jack's Big Announcement!

Yes!  Jack is going to be a big brother!  As you can tell in the picture, he is very excited, and of course Kurt and I are too!  We are thrilled!  Baby #2 is due September 11th, so we are currently 8 weeks along. No, that is not my favorite day for the due date, obviously, but if this baby is anything like Jack, he/she will come way before that! :-)

The pregnancy has gone pretty smoothly, except the last couple of weeks I have been pretty sick and extremely tired.  Yes, this too shall pass, but I didn't feel like this at all with Jack, so it's definitely new for me!  It's also an adjustment feeling like this and already having a toddler to take care of, but Jack is so easy and entertains himself very well!

Our first appointment with my doctor was a couple of weeks ago on January 17th, and Dr. McKenzie was very excited for us and very pleased that everything seemed ok.  He even did an ultrasound in the room, even though it was early, because he and I both were very eager to see the baby!  The little peanut (or blur in this photo) is shown at the very bottom left.  Yay!  Such a sweet blur!  We go back next Tuesday on the 7th for another check-up, and possibly another ultrasound!  I can't wait!

Please keep us in your prayers and pray for the baby to grow and develop well and stay healthy, and for my sickness to go away sooner than later so I can function again!  Please also notice the new baby ticker at the top of the blog! :-)

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